By ouchy - 29/11/2017 19:30 - Australia

Today, at work, a mosquito landed on my brand new tattoo. Without thinking, I slapped it. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 375
You deserved it 1 484

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

Did you let out a bloodcurdling, hot scream just in time for the news?

And so ends the life of the only mosquito so artistically gifted that it actually noticed your design was a bit over saturated with red in one area. RIP.


exileonmainst 16

Did you let out a bloodcurdling, hot scream just in time for the news?

And so ends the life of the only mosquito so artistically gifted that it actually noticed your design was a bit over saturated with red in one area. RIP.

ffc Squall 14

She only wanted a close up look at your new tattoo and you just HAD to kill her for it.

TeachAllTheMath 19

I’ve been there, at least it’s been slapped in now so it should be safe for the remainder of the time!

shelbimaree 5

Be grateful it didn’t bite your tattoo making it itchy af

Doing things without thinking about consequences is a pretty common disease among tattooed folks.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Narrow minded comments about people with tattoos is a pretty common disease of the tattoo free.

Perhaps, but my disease doesn’t make me unemployable in many areas. I guess I’d be at a disadvantage for a job at a tattoo parlor, but that’s not one of my career aspirations.

I have a tattoo on the back of my neck, and it hasn't stopped me from getting any jobs. Don't generalize without knowing more about the person and the tattoo. It might be a small tattoo that doesn't distract at all, and you have no way of knowing if OP has any more. Just because they mentioned one tattoo, doesn't automatically make them unemployable. Your comment was incredibly stupid.

I see from your profile that you are 20, and you have marked your body for life. What will you look like at 50? What if you want a short haircut then? Will tattoos still be cool then? 30 years ago, tattoos were the mark of weirdos. I still can’t condone that people are making permanent alterations to their bodies. I used to wear an earring, but stopped when it no longer suited me. If I had gotten a tattoo, I couldn’t easily undo it.

Full sleeve, couple other tats, working as a manager in corporation. Our Senior Global Account Director has got a full back tattoo. Any further close minded remarks, Richard? Oh and when I'll be old and gnarly, just as you will be, I will still have the cool tattoos to tell stories about and that tell a story about me. Keep your body as you wish and let others do just the same thing.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Well then it’s a good thing we don’t need you to condone a damn thing we do to our own bodies.

Welp, now I'm under the impression that tattooists are giving Pencil a cut of their earnings due to the rise in demand created for tattoos by all this tripe. I've never wanted a tattoo before, but now…

Just look at trends over the past 50-60 years or so. Look at changes in hair style, facial hair, hats, etc. Some things that were cool at one point are ridiculous now, and vice versa. The difference between those and tattoos is that those choices are easily changeable. The rise of tattoo removal proves the stupidity of making permanent alterations to your body.

EnvyMe33 26

So what you are saying is you follow trends. Why does it matter if tattoos are in or out? I have 6 and adding more tattoos. I don’t follow trends I do what I want and when I want. Just because YOU don’t have any tattoos makes you sound like a boring person. I get tattoos because it’s art. When I get older my art will change but I don’t care.

Just cause people are following trends, we gotta be the same, right, Mr. Pencil? Have you ever thought about a fact that someone does not give an ef about any trends? Oh and btw, do you know that tattoos were here a before Christ? So I guess this is a long-lasting trend, isnt it?

TeachAllTheMath 19

I guess that’s the difference between the tattooed and you, we don’t care about trends.

indienerdgirl 27

I'm just going to add that tattoos have been around for thousands of years. So I doubt this is a trend. But damn pencil if you don't want them don't get them. Don't make assumptions about people with tattoos.

Lobby_Bee 17

Congratulations, you've just added new color to your tattoo.

EnvyMe33 26

Ouch, I have been there before it sucks being slapped right after getting a tattoo.

darksinner222 12