By BeachBummer - 21/04/2018 19:00

Today, I’ve been up since 5am getting everything ready for the beach. This is the first nice weekend we’ve had this season. I have a dressed toddler asleep on the couch and grown ass man that refuses to get out of bed. Today it’s 80 degrees. Next weekend is 50 degrees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 981
You deserved it 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the trip to the beach today was actually agreed on by both partners yesterday then it’s a problem with OP’s husband. If this expedition was not agreed to by both partners then OP needs to chill out and remember that it’s still very early in the year and other opportunities will come up when both want to go. I will also say that there are times when a few extra hours of sleep can feel better than anything else in the world. Given that this is Saturday, if OP’s husband had an especially fatiguing week or missed sleep then I would say just let him sleep in today. I strongly believe that both partners should have an equal say in a relationship. But sometimes their needs get out of sync - One might be tired and the other might want to be around people or get outside. That sounds the case in this instance.


Looks like you need to get in sync with your family and not be the odd man out.

If the trip to the beach today was actually agreed on by both partners yesterday then it’s a problem with OP’s husband. If this expedition was not agreed to by both partners then OP needs to chill out and remember that it’s still very early in the year and other opportunities will come up when both want to go. I will also say that there are times when a few extra hours of sleep can feel better than anything else in the world. Given that this is Saturday, if OP’s husband had an especially fatiguing week or missed sleep then I would say just let him sleep in today. I strongly believe that both partners should have an equal say in a relationship. But sometimes their needs get out of sync - One might be tired and the other might want to be around people or get outside. That sounds the case in this instance.

Yep, ditch them and go out in the sun.

voncrane 23

Me! Me! Me! It's no wonder there are a lot of clueless misfits around versus just a generation ago. Clearly missing the whole point of being a family and doing things as a unit. If you are not going to act as a unit and raise kids right. You shouldn't be married in the first place. Asking her to just go alone will NOT bode well for the unit.

And what if she decided on her own that they're going to the beach without asking her husband? That wouldn't be acting as a unit either. If you wake me up in a morning I wanted to sleep in, telling me we're going out in the heat without asking me first, don't expect me to get me to come along. Don't even expect a friendly response when I'm tired.

Right. She can/should go alone since it's clearly important to her, but that doesn't excuse the husband letting her down. It's clearly not just the sun but their time as a family.

Lobby_Bee 17

You should go without them. Treat yourself!

Wintermelons 19

**** them, go to the beach by yourself and have a good time!

julfunky 29

Food, towels, sunscreen and maybe some beach toys and chairs. Why the hell are you getting up at 5am for that? If you have to get up that early for a beach outing then you’re over-preparing.

Depends how far it is. Could have been preparing food, travel snacks, whatever the toddler needs for amusement on the trip. Maybe they need to leave at 7am to get a decent number of hours there. That’s true from where I live.

From what I've heard (I'm childfree, so I have no experience to speak of), trying to get a toddler ready for any sort of outing requires about as much preparation and planning as a military invasion. And she may have been up early because it's a long drive to the beach or she wants to beat the inevitable traffic.

I can understand the urge wanting to use a nice weekend day for the beach. But honestly, getting up at 5a.m. on a weekend to get to the beach? That doesn't even sound remotely relaxing or exciting....

so why can't you just go alone? problem solved.