By chocolateteacup - 06/05/2016 09:30 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I took my neighbor, who lives alone, to the hospital as she was complaining of stomach pains. Being a healthcare professional, all signs pointed to appendicitis. We waited for 6 hours to be told she needed to poo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 384
You deserved it 1 124

chocolateteacup tells us more.

chocolateteacup 25

Hi Guys! OP here :) Thanks so much for your kind comments. I really appreciate it. I had only met her about 3 weeks before the incident and we only hung out once or so. Actually, she wasn't apologetic about it, nor was she grateful. It was almost as though she expected me to take her there... Or perhaps she was just embarrassed.

Top comments

OP is still a boss ass neighbor for taking her to the hospital. My neighbors would gladly watch me die before stepping in to help

Are you ignorant? You sound ignorant.


Suggest you stick to answering phones and let the real professionals diagnose people..