By SuperWhoMarvLock - 06/05/2016 01:35 - United States - Hibbing

Today, my class went for a hike through the woods near our school to destress during finals. While walking downhill towards the edge of the lake, I tripped and tumbled down the hill, and ended up diving head first into the lake. I had to hike back to the school soaking wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 693
You deserved it 1 275

SuperWhoMarvLock tells us more.

Hey, OP here! I'm a girl and a senior in high school. My physics class of 10 had planned a hike to enjoy the warm weather when this happened. Considering how hot it was, I wasn't as bothered as I could've been. The ironic part was how I had stated earlier "If anyone's going to trip and fall off the trail, it's going to be me" as I know myself to be clumsy. Boy, was I right. Everyone did get in a few good laughs, including myself and my teacher. He didn't even look surprised haha. It was definitely uncomfortable hiking back with my soaked jeans and long-sleeved shirt, but I was over it almost instantly and can laugh about it now. Graduation is in a couple of weeks, and I'm glad I'm able to take such hilarious memories with me! Thanks for all the nice and funny comments. :)

Top comments

Everyone else must have had a big laugh which helped them relieve their stress. You're a hero.

Swimming always helped me with deal with stress. Lol sorry OP


That's when the teacher started to sing "Another One Bites the Dust".

Sounds like your school didn't really think that bike route through... Chances are if it hadn't been you, it'd've been someone else. That said, on the bright side you didn't break your leg or neck and drown in the pond because of it, which sounds like it very well could have happened. Soggy clothes are probably marginally less uncomfortable than a fatal drowning.

Bike route? I read hike, one of us needs glasses. :)

My phone is being a dick when it comes to autocorrecting words pointlessly today. It's more of an autowrong function right now.

Everyone else must have had a big laugh which helped them relieve their stress. You're a hero.

Exactly! Good on you OP, taking one for the team/class like that.

Swimming always helped me with deal with stress. Lol sorry OP

You took a hike, swam in a lake... The only thing left is to go fly a kite.

FalloutScrolls 25

But taking a bath is a great way to relieve stress.

Good luck with finals! At least your alert now? :/

I'm sorry I laughed. I hope you have a better day.

Where in Minnesota are you I have been hearing about someone falling into the river behind our school

In Rapids. We have a lake directly next to our school.