By Jim - 11/01/2012 01:32 - Belgium

Today, I told a co-worker to "lighten up, and stop wearing black all the time, it makes you look depressed." I didn't know his father had died the week before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 317
You deserved it 41 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyJay 3

This is why you don't assume or judge when you don't know the whole story. ydi.

GoW_Chick 14

Wow you are an ass, next time get all your facts before you go telling people what to do, or shut up and let people dress how they want to dress.


Ciiigarettes 0

Are you shittin' me? Good lord, he was probably just teasing the guy, so everyone get their heads out of their asses and shut the **** up about telling people what to do, its not like he held a gun to do the man's head and told him to " STOP WEAAARING BLACKK." Anywho, OP that really sucks. Shit happens, it wasn't your fault.

Still deserves it if he was "just" teasing. Not everyone takes teasing in a good way, and if the OP doesn't know the guy well enough that he had no idea his father died (as a coworker!), he shouldn't assume that the coworker would take the teasing well. I don't go up to people I don't know and start teasing them about how they look, it's a good way to make someone very self-conscious or feel like shit because they might already have low self-esteem.

If not that, the person could be goth/ expressing himself how he wants. Who are you to tell someone to change how they dress?

jose18 3

I wear black all the tine that doesn't mean that I'm depressed some people just like wearing black

"Lighten up" is pretty much the most useless, counterproductive piece of advice you could ever give.

Especially if someone actually *is* depressed. There's no shortage of dumbasses who expect people with whatever form of mental illness to "just snap out of it". Also, OP's coworker could just be a goth who *likes* dressing that way.

Ahh , don't worry it was a mistake I'm sure the person knew that.

well if the OP observed the guy wearing all black pretty regularly than it's just bad timing. God forbid someone speaks their opinion. Get over it people.

God forbid people think about what they are going to say and if it's appropriate to say at all. "Stop wearing black it makes you look depressed" is not an appropriate way to voice one's opinion unless it's a good friend of yours, and since it is obvious the coworker is not a close friend/a friend at all of the OP, it's not appropriate to say it. If you ARE going to have the balls to speak your opinion no matter what, then this wouldn't be an FML. The OP would've just brushed it off with a shrug and went on with his merry way, but people who have even an OUNCE of empathy for a fellow human are going to feel guilty about coming across as a complete inconsiderate jackass. Therefore, you should think about what you're saying before you say it.

you desever it for judging so quickly just because hes wearing black. people like you annoy me.

Shitbrains like you should not be allowed to leave the house without supervision.

Who cares if someone wears black all of the time? it was nice of you to be concerned, but thats pretty personal stuff, OP. poor guy, though. RIP