
By Sad and hungry - 22/01/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, my parents were out and about, leaving me alone in the house. They said they would leave some lunch for me. I couldn't find it. After telling them when they got home, my mom got huffy and showed me that it was in a place I would have never thought to look. She then got even more mad when I was annoyed by this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 185
You deserved it 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you couldn't have called or texted "Where is the food?"

Let me guess, it was where food is either stored or cooked, but you have zero survival skills & couldn't find it?


And you couldn't have called or texted "Where is the food?"

Let me guess, it was where food is either stored or cooked, but you have zero survival skills & couldn't find it?

if you can make an FML you can figure out your own ways to get food.

Are you not old enough to call or text your parents? Or get something from Doordash? Or, you know, give into curiosity and hunt everywhere?

Here's a wild idea - make your own lunch. If you're old enough to be on a computer, you're old enough to at least make a simple sandwich for yourself.