By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 14:54 - United States

Today, I texted this girl that I really like. I got a message back saying "Your message to 903-***-**** could not go through due to a disconnection, thanks, Alltel services." I overheard her later at lunch saying she sent the message, and laughed with her friends about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 767
You deserved it 9 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's when you grab your phone, and pretend to take a call, then walk by her, telling your "friend on the phone" that you did the dare, but that the fat bitch's phone was disconnected. then make a comment about her being poor and keep walking.


If you got that rejection SMS today, how did u overhear her laughing with her friends, "the next day" ?

Now THERE's a great idea! If she would have kept her mouth shut, her plan would have worked perfectly! Wish I had thought of this.... #92, if you haven't noticed, they all start with "Today".... it's just the format of fmls

maybe you should get the hint she doesn't want to talk to a needy little bitch boy like you.

beatlesgal01 0

aw i'm sorry that happened! so it didn't work out with this girl. there are better girls out there. forget her. :]

Well what did you expect if you kept texting her over and over again. That was a nice way for her to do it. Comon... Be a man.

Cruel, but I'm TOTALLY USING THAT in the future ! lmfao!

seriously that sucks :( and btw there's a setting on most phones where you can set your texts to send as no number haha whoa you live in the same area code as my lake house (in texas)!! i didn't know that people there had cell phones.. it's pretty rural lol

theoldGP 0

#5 is totally right right. she could have set her phone on unknown number (like #98 said) but you shouldn't have fallen for that. the company wouldn't have an unlisted number.