By soaked - 31/08/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I stood for half an hour in the rain waiting for my bus. As I started to go inside, my bus turned around the corner and splashed water all over me. The bus driver wouldn't let me on the bus because I was soaking wet and I would "mess up the seats". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 466
You deserved it 2 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LauraAurora 0
gigi37 0

That's bullshit; it was obviously raining and other people had to wait in the rain too, I'm sure. Although they probably weren't as drenched as you... I hope you weren't going anywhere important..


DbeX 0

In my district, doing that gets you fired PRONTO

Um, bullshit. Not the FML (though it could be) but the driver's not allowing you on. He's in no position to say "you're too wet". Unless you were covered in mud and shit, there is no way he could deny you access to the bus. If you can recall the bus/route number, call the bus company with the time and date of the incident and report his ass.

wazdog 4

How could you start to go in a bus that's moving? Or does the woman mean she neared the curb?

i think she means she started to go back into her house?? i could be wrong...

loltoyoutoo 0

i think she meant like the doors opened and just as she was ready the bus driver said that and then turned the corner ? . . . something like that . It confused me sorta too o O;

damn, how slow you people are!!! She was waiting for her bus for a long time. She decided to go back inside her home to wait. The bus turned the corner when she wasn't looking. She was splashed with water because of the bus turning the corner. Then the bus driver wouldn't allow her to ride in the bus because she was soaking wet. It's not that hard to get. #34, u definitely are right. u are talking to retards.

That's bullcrap Ring up the bus company and make a complaint

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

well if u were waiting in the rain u were already wet so it doesnt really matter.

FYL... Seriously, some bus drivers have such a stick up their ass. If it was raining, there is no way you're the only wet person who needs to ride the bus. Make a complaint.

You should have just gotten on the damn bus anyway. Report that driver's ass.

If it's a school bus, they CAN'T do that. I would report the driver to your county. And anyway, I'm sure other people were plenty wet, too. It was RAINING, right?

I don't know how this could be real. Not saying it's fake, but I really don't think is allowed. Bus drivers to have some say as to who's allowed on, but because you're too wet? I've never heard of such a thing. And really, I doubt you can damage plastic seats with WATER. If this really did happen, you should've gotten his name and reported him.

ohemgeeroxas 3

you'd be surprised, #43. some bus drivers are just pure assholes. you know how they're not supposed to not let a kid get on the bus if their metrocard isn't working? my friend's school pass wasn't working, the dude kicked him off the bus. and some have verbally mouthed off to me and my friends, when we haven't really been doing anything.

rachel7482 0