By The Dishwasher - 07/06/2017 15:00 - Canada - Guelph

Today, I started work at catering company. I was aware that I'd be cleaning dishes, but they forgot to warn me how many. Needless to say, after polishing 527 glasses, my hands hurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 695
You deserved it 1 113

Same thing different taste

Company time

By IStillHaveMy8hrShiftToGo - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Beaverton

Today, I came in to work early at a restaurant to help out. I stocked, baked pies for the next day, cleaned and set over 50 tables, and vacuumed the entire two stories. When I went to send an order for the first customer of mine, I realized I hadn't even clocked on. Four and half hours of work wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 761
You deserved it 10 928

Top comments

mariri9206 32

Well, it's a catering company. It's not uncommon for a catering company to cater large events.

Impressive that you managed to keep track of how many you cleaned.


Impressive that you managed to keep track of how many you cleaned.

Yes, 31 by 17 is a wired number combination. Maybe 40 a set, 13 set and 3 broken...

mariri9206 32

Well, it's a catering company. It's not uncommon for a catering company to cater large events.

Sounds like they found a great way to put your OCD to use. You people tend to be great cleaners.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

The job didn't cater to your desires of how much work you wanted to do?

Oh cool, you're from my hometown.

Did u think catering was a party of 4?

Not sure what you expected since it was a catering company... such companies usually do things like 100+ seat events and often (if they are big enough) multiple events per day... although I do wonder about their lack of commercial grade cleaning equipment so cleaning glasses by hand isn't required.

mariri9206 32

They likely do have something to clean and sanitize their dishes but those machines will still leave water drop marks on the glasses and need to be spot cleaned/polished, which is what I suspect OP is referencing.

mariri9206 32

Especially since OP specifically mentioned polishing glasses. :)

Little Richard 11

Whaaaaaa! You had to do work. Did your Mom call your boss and complain for you?

Welcome to the catering world...glasses are hard to deal with...but i wouldnt change my job for the world!!!