By look at the fucking universe, lady - 18/05/2013 18:44 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I spent hours debating with a lady who claimed she'd spent years "studying the big bang theory". Not only did she not know the scientific meaning of the word "theory", her killer argument was "If the big bang happened, where are the fossils?" I'm not sure whether or not I just got trolled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 746
You deserved it 5 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's trolling, and then there's just flat-out stupidity.

Pssh, obviously the fossils were eaten by unicorns. Everyone knows dinosaur bones are the primary source of nutrition for unicorns. And unicorn blood is the primary nutrition of Dark Lords. It's the circle of life.


She obviously meant she studied the television show "The big bang theory" not actually anything to do with science.

Sounds like an irritating waste of time OP, but if you can't discern idiocy within a few minutes of speaking to someone, especially about topic like this, YDI.

kidsgotastinky 11

Lol there are stupid ignorant Christians who probably say and think this every day.

TaytheHuman 8

sounds like you are the loser for arguing with a lady for hours over something nobody can prove or deny.

No, you just spent hours of your life you can't get back talking to a lunatic. Hope you enjoy feeling superior?

The Cosmic Microwave Background, or CMB, is radiation believed to be emitted from the Big Bang. The map of the emission (available on Wikipedia) matches with the predictions of the theory. Since fossils are usually remains of (living) things, CMB can be considered to be Big Bang fossil.

I clicked YDI because OP spent hours arguing with an idiot. You can't win, period.

blackrose84 4

If there was ever a line to sum up arguing on the Internet, this is it. I still don't think she's "stupid" for this opinion, however. Just misinformed maybe, or having trouble properly explaining her belief. Also, fellow atheists, cool your jets. Don't make this about religion.