By Anonymous - 18/06/2013 23:22 - United States - Glastonbury

Today, my daughter believed that watching the Big Bang Theory would count as studying for her chemistry final. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 822
You deserved it 7 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Believe it or not, I've learned a lot from that show :) but not enough to count it as studying.

Another show she could use towards studying for chemistry is breaking bad.....


Believe it or not, I've learned a lot from that show :) but not enough to count it as studying.

Yeah! Plus you learn how to be obviously condescending, that's always a bonus... Right?

alstbv12 13

Sarcasm? Someone needs to hold a sarcasm sign.

I don't know how learning about "psychics" would help in a chemistry test.

I'm confused if you meant to say psychics or physics

LadyBuggg if that show is educational, you need to watch it more. Your lacking a bit in the grammar/spelling dept.

Well given the random tidbits of relative information that Sheldon frequently gives out, I wouldn't blame her lol

Well, your daughter is not gonna do so well on her final..get the books open!

ervington 8

My Chemistry final was curved 28% the highest score was a 72%. I moved to this school 3 months ago and haven't learned a thing in that class and I am an A student.

Another show she could use towards studying for chemistry is breaking bad.....

You're talking to a lot of BBT fangirls here, myself included; we don't know what that is (I hope that's a good thing).

Um, I'm a BBT fan and I've heard of Breaking Bad. It's a very popular, mainstream show. You'd have to live under a rock to not have heard of it.

DyslexicPanda 12

There are worse ways to study...

graceinsheepwear 33

More likely that she wanted YOU to believe it and not ban her from her TV show.

aleahlioness 15

You're the parent. Tell her to study, and be specific with how you want her to do it. If you'd like. Or you could let her fail and learn the hard way. Good luck!


In the spirit of Sheldon I feel obliged to inform you that "Penny" must be repeated precisely THREE times. Bazinga.

What's wrong with public education these days? Clearly it would be her physics final... :P