By bertthelamb - 17/02/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, I spent $20 on a spray tan, $30 to have my make up done, and $50 on a pretty new dress all for a special date with my boyfriend. It turns out I spent $100 just to get dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 050
You deserved it 8 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zachattack 0

That's what happens when you look orange.

Its life baby, don't worry. If you stayed with this lump you would miss out on Mr. right. Get your self back together and live that wonderful life of yours.


don't worry you can pay it with master card

Many spray tans look unnatural. In my opinion, pale skin looks better than a fake spray tan. And yeah, getting a real tan may cause you to get skin cancer but if you wear sun screen and don't spend too much time tanning, the chances are really low.

I know right! Seriously, tan natural and I hate it when girls over do it on the make up. Sure a LITTLE bit looks nice but you end up looking like a clown if you wear too much. My mom always told me that when I want to wear make up, it shouldn't stand out too much.

Spray tans look RETARDED. End of story. -_-

Well a light, natural tan looks okay. But it depends... If you're naturally fair skinned and pale, you probably shouldn't try to tan so much

If you tan outside in the sun it won't bake your skin if you only go out for a little while and wear sunscreen, it definitely looks better than a spray tan

Ouch...I'm sorry, OP. But hey, you looked gorgeous, I'm sure, so feel confident! go get a new guy (:

maybe he didnt wanna date a chick that looks like a pumpkin

VaultDweller106 7

You deserve it for going overboard. I'm sure your boyfriend liked the way you looked before you did all that. Now he probably thinks you're high maintenance and he couldn't handle being with someone like that. I sure as hell couldn't. That gets real expensive real fast. Are you going to spend that much to look "good" on every date you go on? Work on your insecurities, OP, before you work a hole in your wallet. Spray tans and too much make up don't buy love.