By sykotoaster - 13/07/2009 22:09 - United States

Today, I spend two hours inside a bar talking about how I never worry about my boyfriend cheating on me when he travels for work. Everyone told me I was lucky to have such a great relationship. When we all decided to go out on the patio for a smoke, we saw him making out with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 916
You deserved it 10 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kscott88 0

Well, technically he wasn't traveling for work when cheating on I guess you were kind of right...


dramakat11 0

Um the only things people deserve for smoking are the actual side effects of smoking, of which of course there are many. But if people want to pollute their lungs, die prematurely, etc. etc. that is their prerogative and none of your ******* business. Getting cheated on is not a direct effect of smoking. If smoking is indeed a problem in the relationship then a person must choose between the relationship and his or her habit. Anyway, enough with the ridiculous judgment. Why not just go around telling people they deserve everything bad that happens to them because they drink alcohol, eat fast food, don't exercise, or engage in any other behavior which shortens their lives? Please stick to the direct causes and effects people. Use your brains.

Was he kissing another man or a woman? There might be a lot more you don't know about his duble life.

garfunkadellic 0

you must have done something for you to get cheated on. maybe you were uglier or something. haha fyl

So you pushed him off the patio and slapped the bitch, right?

aquarius6 0

its the ones that seem good are really bad...sorry

cooorah 0

He did not post this to get shit about being gay or to get shit for smoking. Quit being immature assholes.

Kay_Ell_Dee 0