By EvilBubbles - 09/01/2015 03:45 - Trinidad and Tobago - Woodbrook

Today, I signed into my online class, got bored, and took off my headphones to argue with my roommates about anal sex. At the end of the argument, I put my headphones back on to hear my professor asking if someone could call me to tell me to turn my damn mic off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 527
You deserved it 41 957

EvilBubbles tells us more.

Lol guys! This is my post and the anal sex argument was on and off all day. My laptop did an automatic audio test without my permission haha the whole class laughed about it today, all good.

Top comments

What kind of argument is that?! Did you just randomly decide to argue about anal sex, and not think "I should be learning and maybe these people can hear me"? I hope you're not paying for these online classes if this is how well you listen to them.


Well shit, I hope you at least won the argumentXD

It doesn't say that she won the argument.

cryssycakesx3 22

it doesn't say that she lost the argument.

lol I'm sure all of your classmates and, professor enjoyed listening to that

Yes, I'm sure people love to hear some immature pricks talking about anal sex while they are trying to understand what the professor is teaching...You know, it's not like people pay for college to actually learn something!

Azellia 15

Obviously some people didn't get your sarcasm

What kind of argument is that?! Did you just randomly decide to argue about anal sex, and not think "I should be learning and maybe these people can hear me"? I hope you're not paying for these online classes if this is how well you listen to them.

How do you not know you're basically on a conference call with your class

I hope they ARE paying for them. Serves them right to waste money and not pay attention.

You could've made it arguable if the lecture was about anatomy or human body systems (maybe) But anyways, at least it was probably an entertaining conversation for everyone else bored by the lecture hahahaha

Not sure how things work for you, but if I'm gonna pay for a class, I don't wanna listen to some numbnuts arguing about anal sex while I'm (and presumably the rest of the class) trying to learn from the professor.

The secondhand embarrassment I got from this FML made me want to stab myself in the eye.

I'm sure you have screwed up sometime in your life, OP just got distracted and didn't think about the mic. It is a little comical, but not impossible.

Remembered 14

Hahaha, I bet you're gonna have a tough time getting on his/her good side now. Best of luck and try to be more aware!

cryssycakesx3 22
brasiliano 16

#47 hahaha that's a rear good reply.