By Jersey girl - 08/12/2016 07:58 - United States - Miami

Today, I requested to have the next Sunday off of my job in retail. Not only did my boss say that we're not allowed to ask for weekends off anymore, but I also have to work on another weekend that I requested off. I guess I'm not going to my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 590
You deserved it 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't go to your sister's wedding, bring your sister's wedding to you. I'm sure your boss would deliver a lovely speech. "Marriage is like working retail. You can't ask for weekends off. And if you already asked for a weekend off, you can't have it anymore."

Talk to higher-ups? I wouldn't just accept this as fair, try to find a solution; best of luck!


Talk to higher-ups? I wouldn't just accept this as fair, try to find a solution; best of luck!

Back when I worked in retail, November, December and the first week of January were all black out dates that you couldn't request days off. And it was official company policy, so it didn't matter if you went to a higher manager or even HR. BUT, what OP can do is find a coworker who isn't already working on that Sunday when the wedding is scheduled. If they need more hours (more income) they might be willing to take OP's shift. So long as it doesn't put the coworker over 40 hours, the managers are usually happy to make the adjustment.

usnwife 18

Yeah, but you knew that was the policy. The way it's worded makes me think OP had no idea of this and the manager just randomly decided to change his mind instead of actually having a policy... I guess it is policy OP is just oblivious to policy, but most likely OP needs to talk to a higher up and get it straitened out, Sister's wedding is important enough to work something out... but at the same time I suggest OP start asking coworkers for help!

If they have those rules, I expect they have full staff working all weekends-especially at holiday times. I doubt there is a trade to be made.

If you can't go to your sister's wedding, bring your sister's wedding to you. I'm sure your boss would deliver a lovely speech. "Marriage is like working retail. You can't ask for weekends off. And if you already asked for a weekend off, you can't have it anymore."

Call in sick the day of the wedding (or before if you have to travel) and go anyway.

But I don't know what day the wedding is, #32! And even if I did call in sick, OP would still be stuck at work! We need to think of her.

Lol, that's what you get for thread-jacking #32

I would ask to see where this policy is written in employee handbooks, rules, etc...

I'm sorry realistically you should know that there is no time off in retail during Christmas

I work retail and have had no trouble getting time off for finals and to visit family right between Christmas and New Years. If there's a valid reason and plenty of employees most places will work with you.

I work retail and I requested off the 18th and the 24th off. I got them off.

Looks like someone doesnt work in retail.

you said it yourself #45 if there are plenty of employees, if not I wouldnt even say good luck because it'd be pointless

Actually, I also work in retail and have the week leading up to Christmas off.

1. Should have asked waaaay longer than a week in advance, especially for something like a wedding when you have knowledge of it so far ahead. (Unless you did not know about it. Even then, it's near impossible to get time off unless you ask at least 2-3 weeks in advance in retail) 2. Go to HR if you were previously told you could take off that other weekend and say you've already got obligations on that day that you said yes to when you were told you could have it off.

They did that other weekend they'd requested they asked way in advance it's the Sunday they gave short notice of

I think the request put in today is likely just for Sunday. OP said they found out today that another weekend that had been previously been requested had been denied. I doubt they only gave a week's notice for a wedding.

Yes, you are going to miss your sister enter into holy matrimony. On the plus side, you get to witness thousands of people receive the blessings of peace, joy and eye-popping discounts of the holiday season.

I would call in "sick" or just not come in. Your sisters wedding is more important than a retail job.

On the other hand following your suggestion had a high probability of the OP being fired. Retaining the employment necessary to produce the income required to sustain housing and food is more important than the sister's wedding...

Good idea, in theory. If she asked for the weekend off to go the the wedding, the boss would be very suspicious about the OP's "sickness." He might even send Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn to hunt her down!

Screw that job! The right thing would be to go to your sister's wedding. Sure you'll lose this job but it'll probably be a blessing and you will be opened up for something better to come along.