By SharkWeek - 27/10/2013 15:26 - United States - Wrightsville

Today, I reminded my husband that I was on my period, so he wouldn't try to fool around with me. A few hours later, his goldfish-like memory kicked in and he stuck his hand down my pants while we were going to bed. I was wearing a maxi pad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 753
You deserved it 5 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's pretty nasty, but it seems like he would have learned his lesson.

Looks like he was caught.. Red handed... YEEEAAAAA xD


is your mouth bleeding too? no? then use it.. it's like an amusement park, when one ride breaks down you don't need to close the entire park..

It doesnt say she thought she couldnt have sex because of it, so its still possible MAYBE she just didnt want to during that time. >.>

Having sex on your period isn't necessarily an issue in and of itself, but if your husband's way of initiating it is to "stick his hand down your pants when you're going to bed" then yeah I hope he learned his lesson when he hit the wet sponge on that one.

rinoa_fml 10

Oh no, he got menstrual fluid on his hand. How terrible. (I don't see how this is any big deal, unless you don't have running water).

I hope I'm not too late for this one.... "Doesn't matter; had sex!"