Looks aren't everything

By Anonymous - 28/05/2020 02:00

Today, I was watching "My 600-lb Life". Most of the people on the show are married or in relationships. I cant even find a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 285
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Caldwell 10

Yes with people who enable their unhealthy relationship with food because they themselves have a complex of being needed and are more of a caretaker than a romantic partner. Most of those relationships fall apart when the person loses weight because they are built on unhealthy dependencies.

This is fantastic! I'm sure most of us, including me, assumed the OP was well below the 600-lb threshold. You added a completely new perspective! Well played.


You're too skinny to deserve love. Start eating! You're welcome in advance and bon appetit!

I know. I'm having such a hard time packing on that last 400. I went to Weight Watchers to get help, but they wanted to push my weight the other way. I could only make 600 pounds my "goal weight" if I was 11 feet tall! So, I suffer.

This is fantastic! I'm sure most of us, including me, assumed the OP was well below the 600-lb threshold. You added a completely new perspective! Well played.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Yes with people who enable their unhealthy relationship with food because they themselves have a complex of being needed and are more of a caretaker than a romantic partner. Most of those relationships fall apart when the person loses weight because they are built on unhealthy dependencies.

Same! I watch every week...by myself.

I know right! 🤦🏾‍♀️ I’m still single for years and it’s hard to find the one lol

Uhhh I don’t see why it matters. What obese people aren’t good enough to love? If you watch the show you should know they usually go through trauma that causes the weight gain. Or should the significant other leave them because they are physically and mentally ill? Maybe that’s why you are single. Your a mean person.

ojoRojo 27

Do you feel you’re more deserving of a relationship just because you weigh less?