By dedeanne08 - 12/12/2016 01:18 - United States - Newark

Today, I received some new snow boots I had ordered online. When I opened the package there was only one boot in the box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 613
You deserved it 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only practical solution is to hop one-legged to your destinations. Simple.

zeffra13 31

Hopefully holiday customer service isn't too terrible at that company & you can get the other boot before winter's over.


zeffra13 31

Hopefully holiday customer service isn't too terrible at that company & you can get the other boot before winter's over.

The only practical solution is to hop one-legged to your destinations. Simple.

Or manage to stuff both feet in one boot!

TyroneB 22

If your ordered through Amazon they have really good customer support. If not then hope for the best.

Email the company! Im sure that has happened before. Who knows, maybe you'll get a coupon next time :)!

The other boot will come next winter.

This reminds me of Scrubs when JD got a piece of a bike every year for his birthday (or was it Christmas, I can't remember).

ollygollymolly 6

I miss when FML was for shit that couldn't be easily fixed.

That stinks! Either return the boot or ask for half your money back

When you do call customer service (let me speak for everyone else who works it) just be cool. We got you covered bro bro.

YDI for not realizing that QTY 1 means QTY 1

Taco The Dank 27

bruh, its called a "pair of boots" for a reason