By awkwardaf3 - 12/12/2016 01:13 - United States - Bel Air

Today, as I squatted down to get a snack, my pajama pants ripped wide open. I guess the universe is try to tell me something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 437
You deserved it 1 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a clear Universal message that aliens are soon to visit and they need easy access.

It's telling you to bend at the waist to get your snack. Or store your snacks at eye level.


It's telling you to bend at the waist to get your snack. Or store your snacks at eye level.

Bending at the waist to get stuff is a good way to give yourself a lower back injury! Keep a firm core!!!

I'm gonna look at it in a positive were just one squat away from making your booty too big for your pants. Congrats on your toned behind, OP ;D

It's a clear Universal message that aliens are soon to visit and they need easy access.

akelly727 0

I'm going to make a huge assumption and say this may of happened at Walmart.

akelly727 0

It was a joke.. lighten up you're on FML not the morning news page. Maybe it's just a California thing but our Walmart's are know for people shopping in their pajamas, hence my pajama JOKE. What I can safely assume is you don't have the best since of humor.

Jesus Christ... for someone telling others they need to lighten up, you're awfully triggered by a reasonable comment.

It says it happened in Maryland....Also, it's might have, not might of. Just sayin'

akelly727 0

OK so it was a stupid joke whoops. I thought it was kind of funny because is a known stigma for Walmart but I guess it's not like that everywhere, my bad! BUT #5 I am sorry I responded that way and I do feel bad for saying that you have no sense of humor, I'm sure you have a great one!

I thought it was a good joke -- I've seen

Careful now, we don't like jokes! Jokes can hurt feelings, and nothing is more important than feelings! Apparently...

Telling you to treat yourself to some cozy new pajamies.

TigranPet 24

Yes it did, squatting is unhealthy and dangerous. Better stick with the cheeseburgers.

I have never found a pair of pajamas I could real squat in so more an FML than a YDI. Hopefully you can find a comfortable new pair of pajamas to replace them though!

When one door closes, another one opens.... This one just happened to be in your pants.