By KobraKommander - 17/03/2010 11:51 - France

Today, I rear-ended a car while I was texting about the accident ahead which was causing all the traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 509
You deserved it 92 576

Same thing different taste


spez86 0

stupid ass I ride a crotch rocket at least 4 times a week to work I see ignorant people like you all the time txting and talking on the phone while driving so don't be mad when u almost kill me and I slow down just to Hual ass past you and kick yr f

@BelaLugoisdead (There is not a reply button on this app, so I'm sorry about the random reply comments.) You're right, I'd be watching the road, with both hands on the wheel, and part of my attention somewhere else. What about people (just about everyone I've ever known) who sing along with the radio, or talk to the person in the car with them? Same concept, really.

You are the reason there are laws against using your phone (in your hand) while driving. YDI

that's y I have this app that turns my camera view to my background on my phone for these situations. all hail iPhone

youthink_fml 0

So you drive looking at the road on the little screen? You're an idiot.

no I don't I have a huge screen on my windshield u freaking dumbass. it's for occasion. I'm not glued to my phone. it's for the split second. plus there is talk to text. so don't talk to me down buddy.

deaditegirl 0

YDI for texting while driving, you moron. There's a reason that's illegal in some states. You do realize that when you are operating a motor vehicle you are capable of KILLING someone with it, right? What gives you the right to put other peoples' lives/cars/health in danger because of your self-important texting? DIE IN A FIRE.

xhxhxhhhxhhx 0

it's **** suckers like you that make we want to kill.

ndiesal 0

Talking on the phone while driving is dangerous. Let alone texting. People act like a text or call can't wait a few minutes until they get to their destination. Thus, you have stupid ass shit like this.

Wow. Just wow. There aren't enough words to describe you. Your true idiocy makes me die inside a little. If you have done this, I am not sure you deserve a driver's license. in fact I am not sure you deserve to live. Please, please think about this for at least five minutes. You put many people's life in danger, and I am sure you will continue to in the future, seeing as anyone stupid enough to do that once are bound not to learrn from this experience. Please, just hurry up and make your decision before you end the life of someone who does actually deserve to live. Hurry.

WOW! YDI! Get some brains and common sense while you're at it. Don't text while driving. I hope that's a law in the state you reside in. If it is, you'll be facing hefty fines. God, I'm so sick of hearing people texting while driving! It's not safe at all.