By JuicyJohn - 09/09/2009 01:33 - United States

Today, I realized that the shorts I have been wearing all day say "Juicy" on the ass. My name is John. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 377
You deserved it 53 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So apparently everyone's wondering how this dude fit into tight-ass girl-sized shorts? Maybe he's got a collapsible pelvis and folds up like one of those Chinese paper fans. Or, perhaps he's emaciated. But, that probably wouldn't sell as well.

Lmao @ Juicy John. And yes it is kind of catchy haahahah =)

06John09 0

Hey man, if you got it, flaunt it. Sometimes a man wants to feel pretty.

X_totallysucks_X 0

Wondering why there was a draft? Now you know.

equastriangirl 0

wtf how do you fit in juicy couture shorts and they are all short shorts so thier is no way you could mistake them for guys shorts

Hahaha how could you mistake suck girly shorts for guy shorts? xD

ISeeStarsBitchh 0

must have been one hell of a hangover.