By curly_eyelashes - 24/02/2013 14:30 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I realized that the "eyelash curling brush" that my best friend found in my old bathroom drawer was actually a stick used for cleaning food out of my sister's braces. I used that thing for years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 812
You deserved it 14 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The plaque and food particles probably gave your eyelashes extra body! Nice repurposing, OP!

Brace yourselves, eye see a lot of puns coming...


You cleaned food out of our sisters braces?

Well plaque is sticky, so I guess it gave your lashes plenty of hold.

Tomorrow's FML: "Today, I found out that for the last few years, the brush I use to clean my braces, has led a double life as my sister's eyelash curling brush, FML"

branmuffin92 10

This is exactly why people should ask before using other peoples stuff. It is intirely your fault for not asking your sister if you can use it, whether or not you think it's harmless to use.

If it works it works. Was she still using it during this time or had it been abandoned in there?