By Joe - 08/07/2011 18:48 - United States

Today, I realized that I look sexier in my fiancée's panties than she does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 709
You deserved it 22 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Maybe it's time for you to stop shaving your legs.

kerihetz 2


sakana_fml 7

Some women make men do that kind of thing in foreplay. It's pretty weird though.

youcantwin 8
nicefacekidd 4

Maybe if you DIDN'T have a huge ego, you would think differently.

wow first why were you wearing them, second that's your opinion, third you can fit in womens underwear?

There probably wasn't much to fit in there anyways.

i seriously hope,you aren't going to dance in front of a camera and put on lipstick. all while wearing her robe...

I don't see a problem here. If you would look sexier than her with her thongs on, than I would worry.

brian65c 0

maybe next time u will think before putting on ur chics panties..

hightechlimos 3

cleaning out the closet???