By mr - 27/07/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, I realized every time I go to take a poop, my 9 month old crawls into the bathroom and sobs at my feet. I now have to let my 9 month old sit on my lap while I shit, because I can't do it any other way. The end to all privacy has now come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 760
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

word. put it in a safe place and go shit alone. if you let your baby get what it wants every time you're going to have some hard years in front of you...


madgirl102492 0

thats just sick man put the kid in a play pen when you have to go to the bathroom

soccerdude101 0

ewww he sobs ur feet?? that's nasty bro.

soccerdude101 0

guys the baby sovs OP's feet. that's so Nasty 

HLJW1989 0

This is ridiculous. Setting boundaries for your children is not being a bad parent. This generation is going to be so spoiled and coddled that everyone will cry every time they don't get their way.

wow ithats funny but she needs to learn that mommy needs to potty alone

gonna suck when your kid is 16 and still sitting on your lap when you shit

My youngest would do the same thing to him Dad when he would come home from work!

perdix 29

That's going to be pretty awkward when the kid is about 25.