By IHaveTwoOwies - 06/10/2017 13:00

Today, I pinched a nerve in my shoulder while pulling the bedcovers higher in the morning. After excruciating pain all day, I climbed back into bed at night, twisting my knee in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 071
You deserved it 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In Soviet Russia, beds, break-in you!

Your bed is trying to kill you!!!!! I wouldn't try sex something might fall off next


In Soviet Russia, beds, break-in you!

exileonmainst 16

Not the best bed time story I've read..

Lobby_Bee 17

On the bright side you don't need to move around much anymore, you're already in bed.

Your bed is trying to kill you!!!!! I wouldn't try sex something might fall off next

jade3424 21

I think you’re getting into bed wrong..

gobiteme2 34

This is were the term Death Bed first started.

so what you're really saying is you're bad in bed

and i thought i am the favorite of the lady luck

I have this issue on a nearly daily basis- buuuuuuut, I have Ehler's-Danlos' Syndrome. If you don't, you should probably go to a doctor.