By Anonymous - 08/05/2014 19:52 - United States - Plymouth

Today, I overheard someone at the mall telling his friend, "So I'm going in for a brain scan." Trying to be funny, I piped up, "Better hope they find something!" Turns out that had been the end of his sentence, and the scan is to see if his cancer has spread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 503
You deserved it 74 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Total jerk move to say that to someone you don't know.

cjwayy 22

YDI. That's a pretty insensitive thing to say, considering you didn't know them and you didn't know the situation.


This is why you need to mind your business.

Macherni 5

And that's why you have no friends.

I mean, it's not really your fault. A lot of these people are saying 'Oh, YDI, what's wrong with you!?' but in reality if this happened to them, they would defensively try to say it's not their fault. FML OP, but just try keeping some things to yourself if you don't know the topic.

rocker_chick23 27

Of course it's her fault. She said that to someone she didn't even know. She should have kept her nose out of someone else's conversation.

ah trust me it really is op's fault ! if someone is getting a brain scan, its normally for a reason like they suspect some serious ! plus if you dont know someone who the hell would you join in on their conversation ?? theres no way op is going to get sympathy from anyone on here .

Well, what the hell did you think he was getting a brain scan for? YDI.

SuperMew 22

I misread it the first time and thought you knew the guy. Even then, your comment was not needed.

That's why you keep to yourself. **** his life, not yours.

cat_chick 6

You definitely deserve it. Obviously anything to do with a scan is a serious matter and shouldn't be joked about, especially when you don't know the details. What an ass