By Anonymous - 08/05/2014 19:52 - United States - Plymouth

Today, I overheard someone at the mall telling his friend, "So I'm going in for a brain scan." Trying to be funny, I piped up, "Better hope they find something!" Turns out that had been the end of his sentence, and the scan is to see if his cancer has spread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 503
You deserved it 74 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Total jerk move to say that to someone you don't know.

cjwayy 22

YDI. That's a pretty insensitive thing to say, considering you didn't know them and you didn't know the situation.


Since when did people think they could butt in on other peoples conversation . YDI I hope you apologized to the person !

I guess I see how it was an Accident and everything but that's still pretty incentive OP. Sorry YDI

urnnotvase 10

YDI, keep your nose in your own business and you won't run into embarrassing situations like that.

Brain scans are never, EVER a good thing. They don't test healthy people. So you're just a dick for saying something like that to begin with.

You meant well but it's best to know the entire story before saying anything

How did he mean well -.- He was completely rude to a stranger, not knowing their story. Op totally deserved it.

das_shizzle 16

Well OP I guess you should have "minded" your own business.

YDI, coming from a cancer survivor.

61, it's a jerk move either way. If you're going to be nosey and listen in on a stranger's conversation, fine. But do NOT add your input. That moves you from nosey stranger, to creepy stranger who adds unwanted input into conversations that they're not a part of.

Maybe you need a brain scan... naaah, already know they won't find anything.