By CrazyInLove - 10/03/2015 06:02 - United States - Castle Rock

Today, I overcame my lack of social confidence and got a date for the first time in 10 or so years. After a while, my date admitted that she's a schizophrenic with dissociative identity disorder. I guess it's back to being single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 370
You deserved it 7 348

Same thing different taste

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From someone who has extreme panic attack disorder, OCD and crippling depression, this intensifies my worry that I'll be alone forever. I feel sorry for her, to be honest. That was probably really hard for her to do.

Because obviously we should immediately discount the possibility of dating anyone with a mental illness, right? Or should she have just lied to you about it for a while first? It was probably incredibly difficult for her to be upfront about having such a stigmatized medical condition. If you choose not to get involved thats your prerogative, but I hope you handled it tactfully at least. If you think it's hard for you to get a date, imagine how she must feel.


Good, she deserves someone much better than you, someone who doesn't treat her as an undateable freak just because she has mental health issues, I hope she finds someone who loves her as she is and is willing to support her through her illness while not seeing her as broken or less worthy.

My Dad who married my mom that is Bipolar & Schizophrenic divorced few years prior as for a few of my Dad's friends who also married mentally ill wives. From what I had to experience the last 2 years that my Dad shielded me by sending me to my family every time she pulled shenanigans....It is difficult & frustrating coping with Mentally ill people especially finding help for them. Long story short I recently was able to get the police to take my mom to the hospital after the 3rd or 4th time thanks to complaints from other tenants, the leasing office wanting to evict her, etc. I know it is NOT a person's fault for being mentally ill...but I cannot be around them because I would just be upset & instantly get angry based on my experience.

Why the hell does that matter. I know someone who has both of those and she is a very good person. It probably took a lot to go out with anyone, and its assholes like you who make it so they feel like they cant. YDI

sabrinaMA 7

lol why is everyone posting their Pitt stories? All I see is I have so-and-so and blah blah blah Oh you think people give a **** to read your attention seeking stories

Why do you post your complaints? You think people give a **** to read your whiny comment? People post personal stories in the comment section because that is what it is made for. It it bothers you, don't look at them. It's that simple.

YDI for stigmatizing mental illness even further and for coming across as a colossal jerk. At least she had the nerve to come clean to you. She deserves better.

Or you could not be an arse and dump someone just for having a mental illness? No wonder you're single. Let me guess, you also won't date girls who are above a size 4 and aren't 5'10 with perfect complexion, otherwise they aren't good enough for you.

So you didn't give her a chance just because she is struggling with a couple disorders? It's not like she wants to be that way, and she still deserves to be loved.

thats harsh. she obviously told you trusting you. Shes probly on medication anyway to controll it

Vesi 29

OK.. Obviously OP can't handle more than his own issues. I have PTSD and DID but mine is a gentler version where we actually work together, are aware of each other and the others do not come out unless it is safe for them to do so, except our Guardian. She will come out to protect us or children. I give them time with the body (2 besides the Guardian) and we all live quite happily with 2, yes, 2 partners: one husband of 20 years and one other male for 8 years, now. Stating she HAS these issues means she is getting help and just wants potential partners to know the issues are there but it definitely sounds like under some control. The way OP posts, it does stigmatize us, but I think the main problem is just that he has his own issues and is afraid to deal with something he's completely unfamiliar with. Education is key, OP. Always.

Vesi 29

BTW.. schizophrenia is a genetic mental disorder while DID is a result of PTSD. According to my psychiatrist, children develop their personality up until age 8 and if something traumatic (like rape, beatings, ect) happens before that age, it usually results in that personality splitting off and a new one starting. That was how I ended up with my two. Both can be handled through therapy and/or meds but it's not something that we choose to have. It's forced on us, just like anything else genetic or through how we're raised. And yes, it does make life a bit interesting. Not all of us come out with negative others.

They're not all crazies! Don't worry OP, you'll find the right person