By CrazyInLove - 10/03/2015 06:02 - United States - Castle Rock

Today, I overcame my lack of social confidence and got a date for the first time in 10 or so years. After a while, my date admitted that she's a schizophrenic with dissociative identity disorder. I guess it's back to being single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 370
You deserved it 7 348

Same thing different taste

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From someone who has extreme panic attack disorder, OCD and crippling depression, this intensifies my worry that I'll be alone forever. I feel sorry for her, to be honest. That was probably really hard for her to do.

Because obviously we should immediately discount the possibility of dating anyone with a mental illness, right? Or should she have just lied to you about it for a while first? It was probably incredibly difficult for her to be upfront about having such a stigmatized medical condition. If you choose not to get involved thats your prerogative, but I hope you handled it tactfully at least. If you think it's hard for you to get a date, imagine how she must feel.


You overcame some social anxiety after a decade of being single, she was brave and honest enough with you upfront about a medical condition she suffers from and you immediately discount her company forever? Because she was honest? Wow. Some people really deserve to be alone.

I'm pretty sure your date has it worse than you, I mean think about it. She suffers from mental disorders, which she can't help and probably already feels self-concious about it, and you're on here complaining about it. It probably took a lot of courage for her to confess that she has problems and you out-right made it clear that you think she's crazy/undateable. Seriously, you're a douche.

Well, were you enjoying the date before you found out? Just because she has those things doesn't mean she doesn't have it under control. She could be on medication or she could see a doctor regularly. If you could tell something was off than that would make more sense.

julieg88 3

It seems to me you may think she's not good enough for you.

ccoopple 1

wow that is such a bad excuse I have bad social confidence and I am currently dating a girl that has both if those things except the identity disorder is a bit more serious and I am very happy in a relationship with her.

It is reasonable to decide after one date with someone that you are not equipped to handle a relationship with them, or even just plain not interested in a relationship that may take a lot of work and require you to support the other person who you just don't know that well yet. However, if your reaction to her sharing something so major and so personal and so often stigmatized is to go online and complain about how it's ruining *your* life then you're a giant ass.

My best friend has DID and apart from appearing to talk to himself every once in a while, he leads a perfectly normsl life. There are 4 people living in his head, including himself, and everyone gets along well. It may be different with each case, though. I have no experience with schizophrenia, but you could try giving her a chance. A lot of people have their disorderd well under control.

granem 5

My sister suffers from the same disorders. Due to her medication she is now like everyone else, but they're still there in the background. It makes me sad to read your post; I see her in that girl.

Imagine how hard it was for your date to admit that to you. I'm sure they're on medication that keeps their disorders under control. And shouldn't you be glad they were honest with you? Instantly dropping someone because they have a mental illness is the same as someone not going on a second date with you because of your confidence issues.