By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 17:32 - United States - San Dimas

Today, I met my neighbors for the first time, as they helped me carry my dead cat off the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 174
You deserved it 3 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fearlesscooldude 12

Sorry about that, at least they helped you though

thebosslikeaboss 18

Sounds like a horrible catastrophe! But in all seriousness I'm sending Internet hugs, losing a pet is awful :'(


fearlesscooldude 12

Sorry about that, at least they helped you though

incoherentrmblr 21

You must've had a pretty big cat for all of you to get it off of the road. However, RIP cat :(...

It's time to play a thousand ways meet your neighbor ...,, I'm gonna go with a wave hello

3)Having sexual intercourses with the wife/daughter and getting caught

And that's worth a hundred points #45

Not what I'd call a purrrfect introduction

rockyhorrorQT 12

You've got to be kitten me. Puns in response to such a cat-astrophe? (I'm sorry. I will see myself out)

I'm apawled at your responses. How inappurrpriate!

cmon guys, op must be feline pretty upset.

Time to invite them over to commiserate poor puss and then drink until catatonic.

"Well in the event of this situation, you guys wanna come over for a barbecue later?"

thebosslikeaboss 18

Sounds like a horrible catastrophe! But in all seriousness I'm sending Internet hugs, losing a pet is awful :'(

Killed the pussy has a very sad meaning in this context.

Nope didn't have to, chose to anyways, down voted to hell, and probably won't lose much sleep over it . I am sorry for the cat though....

My totally tasteless comment of the day. Are your neighbours planning a bbq?

Tasteless? BBQ have tastes. *bah dum tss* Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress.

Damn everybody's so sensitive. I thought it was funny !

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm so sorry about your kitty. Losing a pet is always so hard. :(

i came home from middle school to find my childhood dog in a garbage bag.