By CallMeMrFunny - 22/12/2016 18:27

Today, I mentioned to my parents that Sunday is going to be awesome because it's Christmas. They responded with "Wait, this Sunday? In 3 days?!" Apparently they forgot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 435
You deserved it 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe that's what they want you to think ..

It seems unlikely they'd miss all the music, decorative displays, greeting cards...Isn't it possible they're just messing with you? In any case, even if celebrating Christmas isn't an obligation, you were probably really looking forwards to it. Since there's still 3 days, hopefully you'll all have the time to prepare a nice meal and have some fun together as a family, even if there aren't any gifts prepared. Disappointed hopes suck, but give it a bit of time and it'll become one of those funny memories.


Nonexistentguy 7

Be grateful that they have enough money to afford it in the first place

To afford what? To afford forgetting Christmas?

Exactly, Lalala. #2 is from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie in which you can pay to have memories removed. Occasionally, FML's DNS redirects to the multiverse, and we get comments from fictional characters.

Well hopefully it'll work out OP! Good luck and FYL

With all the christmas music being played in stores, you'd think they would know.

cootiequeen4444 11

Christmas music has been playing since Halloween ended so I don't see your point...

where I live there are no decorations and no Xmas music being played in stores. it is very easy to forget about it and I almost did too. this year nobody seems to be in the Christmas spirit

Most places start playing Christmas music right after Thanksgiving, some even before. So music isn't exactly a strong indicator of Christmas

#14, you are very lucky not to be bombarded with Christmas retail hell!

It really doesn't feel like Christmas, you know, since we're getting the Grinch for president soon.

It seems unlikely they'd miss all the music, decorative displays, greeting cards...Isn't it possible they're just messing with you? In any case, even if celebrating Christmas isn't an obligation, you were probably really looking forwards to it. Since there's still 3 days, hopefully you'll all have the time to prepare a nice meal and have some fun together as a family, even if there aren't any gifts prepared. Disappointed hopes suck, but give it a bit of time and it'll become one of those funny memories.

Tsumetai_ 11

maybe they do have gifts and a tree & all the decorations etc and just forgot how soon christmas was sneaking up. they could've remembered christmas was soon in like a week and just lost track of the days.

Well they did have 50+ of those already OP ^.^ I guess it's normal if they forget a few

I don't know how old you are, OP, but I think it's more like your parents "forgot" about Christmas.

I'm the same. I'm now rising around buying everyone stuff. I thought it was next week ?

mariri9206 32

Maybe they're only acting like they forgot so you'll be surprised when Santa brings you presents. lol