Strung out

By Anonymous - 22/01/2023 16:30 - Australia

Today, I realised just how caffeine dependent I am. I didn't have time for my morning coffee, work is out of milk, and I only have $1.30 in my bank account, so I couldn't buy a coffee. Today has been a struggle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 396
You deserved it 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you’re that desperate just drink the work coffee black.

If you were a true addict, you'd have been offering handjobs to dudes at the coffee shop.


If you were a true addict, you'd have been offering handjobs to dudes at the coffee shop.

If you’re that desperate just drink the work coffee black.

I was going to say YLS, but you decided to forgo coffee simply because there was no milk?!? YDI