Classic blunder

By Anonymous - 20/07/2009 07:07 - United States

Today, I had an important Powerpoint presentation for ALL the big execs at work. It seems that during my lunch break, my boyfriend IMed me on my Mac, saying, "Feeling so horny right now, come home for a quicky like last week?" I didn't see it until the presentation. So did the executives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 219
You deserved it 10 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you sign off before the meeting? YDI for not being professional enough to separate work and home.

You can't turn off instant messaging on a Mac?


You can't turn off instant messaging on a Mac?

kionnalexus 0

She didn't see it until she was doing the presentation, READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT. And this seriously sucks, that would be so embarrassing and just imagining what the execs thought about it would suck even worse.

In that case she's a ******* IDIOT. OP shouldn't have had the messenger program running, let alone be signed in.

what does OP mean?? and that sucks cuz everyone saw the IM.

lakergurl91 0

@49 OP=Orignial Poster (the person who posted the FML) @OP i feel sorry for you but i feel even worse for your boyfriend...he never got to have his "quicky" =( poor baby i hope you made it up to him when you got home=P Smile Jesus loves you =)

Why didn't you sign off before the meeting? YDI for not being professional enough to separate work and home.

I agree, while at work you do your work, and at home u IM whoever you want!

well look on the bright side: atleast you're still gettin' some :P

tubaguy42 0

Seriously... and if you're not at your computer you can at least minimize the program that way it's just in the dock (which you can also hide). if you know you have a big presentation in front of all the big names in your company, why would you even CONSIDER going on IM before you gave it?

It would've popped up as the computer turned on. He IM'd her during lunch so she didn't know. If she was signed on she probably didn't realize it.

Okay but still.. Should've waited for the computer to start before turning on the projector! That's just common sense.

greatnt249 0

No excuse; you can always disable the option to have the computer sign on AIM upon starting the computer.

it could've been MSN she was using, and while you can do the same thing with MSN, her mac could've been on "sleep" mode, meaning when she opened it back up (assuming it was a macbook), the IM program hadn't been properly turned off, allowing for the message to pop up once the computer is connected to the internet again.

hubba hubba! unless HR frowns on that sort of thing.

Actually a lot of companies use IM to communicate with workers in other buildings, states, countries, etc. For example, JP Morgan and some doctors with different offices use IM. We do where I work.

Just about everyone.. except you! :D

Basically everybody who has access to the internet

oo0oh that sucks. but I never turn on the projector screen until I have my powerpoint completely up and running...

moexyz 0

Ok look at the bright side u have a horny husband. Jack pot :)

girandwogpig 0

actually a horny boyfriend....

laomaostu 0