By maimay234 - 03/09/2010 21:37 - United States

Today, I learned that if you don't wrap your hair around a bristled curling iron the correct way, you end up getting it stuck, not to mention frying it. Three inches of my hair is now in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 106
You deserved it 14 326

maimay234 tells us more.

maimay234 0

By the way, it was my first time using a bristled curling iron. I thought if you just rolled it up like a regular one, it would come right out. Looks like that didn't quite work out, judging from my hair cut. I thought I just unrolled it the wrong way so I spent 5 minutes trying to roll it out. Then I yanked the plug and started burning my fingers trying to get the hair out. Yes it smelled. Yes I know it was stupid of me to try it out hot the first time. But hey, we all have senior moments, right?

Top comments

I wish anti-flood protection was increased, so you could stop posting comments altogether.


Meh hair grows back, you needed a haircut anyways

Ydi OP. why didn't you just UNPLUG the curler? meh.

I'm trying to imagine how that would feel... and smell. FYL.

r6_fml 4

just go ahead and cut your hair short. short hair is sexy on girls.

I would have to agree with you. Army girls have short hair ;)

Independantlove 0

ydi. lol learn how to use the equiptment properly op. Hehe ^_~

I am soooooo sorry for you :( I would cry if that happened to my hair

JillianlikesVogu 0

That's why I don't use heat on my hair....damaging and easy to f•ck up.

amazinggbaby 2

why would you buy a "bristled" curling iron anyway?