By maimay234 - 03/09/2010 21:37 - United States

Today, I learned that if you don't wrap your hair around a bristled curling iron the correct way, you end up getting it stuck, not to mention frying it. Three inches of my hair is now in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 106
You deserved it 14 326

maimay234 tells us more.

maimay234 0

By the way, it was my first time using a bristled curling iron. I thought if you just rolled it up like a regular one, it would come right out. Looks like that didn't quite work out, judging from my hair cut. I thought I just unrolled it the wrong way so I spent 5 minutes trying to roll it out. Then I yanked the plug and started burning my fingers trying to get the hair out. Yes it smelled. Yes I know it was stupid of me to try it out hot the first time. But hey, we all have senior moments, right?

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I wish anti-flood protection was increased, so you could stop posting comments altogether.


colleen2920 0

ydi for not having the common sense on how to curl your hair.

If it's a bristled curling iron, then you usually want to start near your scalp and twist the curling iron as your going along so then your hair doesn't get stuck. It's easier and faster than starting at your ends and then wrapping it all up. (I went to hair school for 8 months before I decided to drop out so if you have any hair styling questions, I can help ya out!)

It's also not that hard to press the "A" key.