By ssenmodnaR - 27/07/2016 16:30

Today, I learned that I'm in that special kind of relationship where my ex thinks we're still married, no matter how many times I tell him that we were divorced over a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 072
You deserved it 1 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to introduce them to a nice piece of paper called "Restraining Order"?

justcommenting19 19

The only solution is to dye your hair, wear big sunglasses, and move to Argentina.


justcommenting19 19

The only solution is to dye your hair, wear big sunglasses, and move to Argentina.

Why Argentina? I hear Abu Dhabi is nice this time of year.

what do you know? you're just a sponge

justcommenting19 19

That's discrimination. Sponges have feelings too. *cries*

Maybe it's time to introduce them to a nice piece of paper called "Restraining Order"?

Time to get out the good ol' restraining order! Sorry OP, that sucks.

Maybe start seeing other people OP, then maybe your ex will realize that you've moved on and they should do the same

Or he might react violently, but let's hope for the best. ^^

or take it out on the new partner. Best deal with the issue of why he thinks you are married!

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justcommenting19 19

Do I really need to spell this out? OK then: 1) There is a stereotype, myth, cliché, call it what you will, that women stop giving head to a guy once they marry him. 2) The OP wants to convince her ex- that they are not married. 3) In view of 1), if the OP gives him head then he will realise that this woman must not be his wife and therefore that 2) applies. It was not intended as a practical solution to the situation - hence the ;-) Edit - sorry #12, this was @ #8

Your reply is pretty long. Looks like I ninja'd you. :)

Hey, you got it. I just need to learn to type faster!

andrmac 25

Then he would keep coming back for more.

I would make absolutely sure he's not right. (For example, make sure he didn't neglect to file a part of the paperwork or something.) If he's not accepting the fact of the divorce, he may have directly tried to prevent it as well.

Today, I realized my wife thinks we got a divorce. FML

What a special touching.

If he's that in denial then you should just get a restraining order.

People like that scare the shit out of me. They're too attached and it could go wrong

You're right it can turn nasty really fast

To quote an ex about a previous ex. 'He went from sweetie to psycho in 17 minutes and two missed texts."