By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 13:32 - United States - San Leandro

Today, I had to share my room with my cousin while she stayed over. I let her take my bed while I slept on the floor. Not only do my back and neck hurt, but I had to clean vomit out of my hair. Apparently, she "wasn't feeling well" last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 756
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick her. Don't kick her out of the house. Just kick her.

That's a little sickening, isn't it?


finch01 18

throwing up is something that is out of your control ..

Dallyni 22

Get over it she was a guest in your house and people can't always help when they are sick.

True but if she was ill enough to throw up she shouldn't really have stayed over or been allowed in the same room as someone else. Not her fault though. It also sounds like she didn't realise how ill she was.

Sometimes it hits you like a ton of bricks though.

My cousin spends the night and we share my bed and she has thrown up on me twice in the middle of the night. Which is why she just stops eating after 6 pm because she throws up whenever she eats after that. I feel your pain OP. Make her sleep in the bathtub.

larsak 3
pwnman 33
Xatraris 38

My favorite go to comment when people are actually sick! You know what? I threw up last week, maybe I'm preggo! No, stop assuming vomit equals pregnancy.

Just because someone pukes, it doesn't make them automatically 'pregnant'. That's just ridiculous.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I stopped leaving my bed for guests a long time ago... I was trying to be a better person giving them my bed, but I noticed everytime I stayed at someone else's house I had to suck up the floor. Air matresses are *horrible*.

That happened to me once, my brother and I had to sleep together and I woke and went into my parents room and said I had a dream I threw up last night then my brother walks in and the whole side of his head is covered in throw up.

Ewww I would've puked if I got puked on XC