By AshleyRose24 - 23/11/2013 08:02 - United States - Fullerton

Today, I had to have a talk with my stalker. After telling him not to snapchat me, not to text me, and that I'm not interested, all he said was "I think persistence is going to be key here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 126
You deserved it 3 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the police and some jail cell keys may also form a viable solution.

I think a restraining order will be the key here


This makes me think of the Blurred Lines (by Robin Thicke) accusations. In general, today's popular songs in which male singers are trying to seduce women, "no" actually means "hard to get".

EmsyyyRose13 24

The problem here is that you talked to him. By contacting him, you have him hope in his obsessed mind that if he can get you to talk to him by being persistent, he can get you to fall in love with him. That's just the way he thinks, so ignoring him would be the key, possibly even calling the police or getting a restraining order if it gets too bad.

You can't ever talk to someone who stalks you. If you ever respond, they just think it means that it takes 50 calls to get you to pick up and that they'll be rewarded for persistence. Never address your stalker under any circumstances. Let all contact come via the police or your attorney.

sarahbevan20 11

You do realize you can block people on snapchat... And if you log onto your carrier account on the computer, you can block phone numbers on there... And if he shows up at your house, you still have that phone to dial 911!

It might be time to buy some pepper spray.

Tell him you have a penis. That ought to scare him away.

Get a new cell number...snap chat create a new one...and after that it should stop if not get a restraining order...

plagiarismo 16

As sad as it sounds, in some places, calling the police is about as useful as having lunch with the guy.. Maybe that's a bad example but I'll explain. A friend of mine had this crazy, violent, stalker ex boyfriend who she promptly got a restraining order against. He violated said restraining order countless times and all the cops ever did was take him away and give him a stern talkin' to. They never kept him locked up overnight, even after repeated offenses. A cop even said to my friend "All we can really do is talk to him." When the guy is crazy, that simply isn't enough. Not that you SHOULDN'T call the police. By all means report it. Just buy a taser in the meantime.