By GrannyAt22 - 22/06/2010 01:28 - Canada

Today, I had to buy a wrist brace for a repetitive strain injury. I got the injury because I was knitting too much. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 928
You deserved it 26 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BluPenguin 3

"knitting".. is that what they call it now?

Sounds like your in (puts on glasses) quite the knot! YYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!



I wanna learn how to knite :)

Sorry, english is not my first language, what does it mean to knite? *ashamed*

No shame necessary! "Knite" is a typo. The OP knits.

there really is nothing better to do in saskatchewan is there? time to move and get a life...

knit yourself a **** and shove it up your ass

Ohhh da joys of being a grandma at 22! How about u leave da knitting for now and start doin things which may increase ur social life lol!

Needle arts have their own cultures and social events.

just because the OP knits dosent mean she's anti-social...

suck it up. all worthwhile hobbies come with hazards. and if you class this as an FML because you knit at 22, then yes, FYL for not having more pride in things you enjoy doing.

FMLGirl1991 0

78 i totally agree with you. I don't understand why everyone is like "shame on you for knitting" it's a perfectly find hobby. I'm 18 and I've been knitting since I was 16, it doesn't mean that we're old or boring. It just means that we're good with our hands. And yes I mean that in every possible way. Although if you're knitting so much to get a repetitive strain injury it's probably a good idea to pace yourself and maybe go out once and a while.

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

I want to learn how to knit.