By Anonymous - 19/10/2015 21:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to bribe my cousin with Monster Energy Drinks and Halo 5 so he wouldn't tell my mom I snuck out to meet a boy. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 372
You deserved it 8 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your 24? Surely you have the right to meet whatever boys you want.

If your parents aren't allowing you to live your life it might be time to try and move out.


.... But why are you sneaking out? You're 24.

I work at GS and Halo 5 consoles released last night!!! XD

it doesn't matter that you snuck out what matters is if you were wearing panties

It seems to me that maybe OP is not female? Also never said that they were sneaking out of their parents' house, just that they had snuck out to meet a boy. Maybe this cousin knows that OP is **** sexually oriented but the folks don't so he's paying for him to keep his mouth shut. Though I have to say, at 24, you're entitled to your own decisions. So if the above is the case, you should still just do what you want. Maybe just tell your parents yourself so your cousin can't hold it over your head? Way better to just tell them yourself than have them find out through other means. Of course I'm just spit balling here, but if that's not the situation then're an adult, you don't have to sneak out. If it's a house rule then something needs to change, either the rule or your residence. You're not a baby anymore.

Well it's halo 5. And monster. Every teenage boys dream nowadays

Return the game when the brat is unaware.

You can't take Halo from someone. That's not right.

KillaCourt14 6