By Anonymous - 19/10/2015 21:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to bribe my cousin with Monster Energy Drinks and Halo 5 so he wouldn't tell my mom I snuck out to meet a boy. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 372
You deserved it 8 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your 24? Surely you have the right to meet whatever boys you want.

If your parents aren't allowing you to live your life it might be time to try and move out.


Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Hold up, so ur saying Halo 5 already came out?!

dragoongirl90 34

There is a Halo 5 Xbox One bundle.

I really want to know what the issue is with are a legal adult

Why don't you buy or rent your own house, then you wouldn't need to sneak out.

Bribe your cousin with monster energy and halo 5? Yeah he's def gonna keep it a secret.

Pffffft, halo 5? Your brother should get his priorities straight! Fallout 4 is where it's at!

dragoongirl90 34

How about you grow up and realize that both games are amazing in different ways?

schreibergx93 19

Perhaps she's part of a culture where you're raised to respect your parents' rules and ask for permission. Perhaps this is a fling she doesn't want them to know about. Perhaps you all are idiots and shouldn't be self righteous 'you can do whatever you want' Living in the home of your parents defines a line of respect you still abide by their house rules. Work things out, but at the end of the day they're allowing you to stay there.

YDI. Being 24 means you have some freedoms. If you are still living with your parents, either scrap up money to get out, or compromise on some of their rules that are meant for under 18. And dont call it sneaking out. You are over age, you did NOTHING wrong.

OP is living in his/her parents home. If Op wants to continue to live with the parents OP is at least obliged (if not firmly expected) to follow their rules. OP's parents do NOT have to compromise on their rules. If the rules include a curfew, and/or no dating, hooking up, etc, and this sneaking out broke said rule, then OP most DEFINITELY DID do something wrong. For any adult to live in someone else's home, and expect they can ignore the rules of the home just because they are an adult, is not in any way or form reasonable.