By cubs44fan - 04/03/2014 23:25 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I had the most intelligent conversation I've ever had with my boyfriend. He was getting really in-depth about subjects like biotechnology and gamma radiation. I soon realized he was only referring to the Incredible Hulk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 445
You deserved it 6 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Learn to speak the language of men and they'll surprise you with their knowledge


as a fellow cubs fan, we both know that this isn't the most disappointing thing that's gonna happen to you this year

Will krypton bring up superman? Wait that's DC...

Hey, everybody needs a hero in life.

PiQo 6

I fail to see the issue here.

everyone has its references, mine is cl.... oh no forget it /^^'

TheDrifter 23

As long as he actually understands biotechnology and gamma radiation I don't see why being inspired by the incredible hulk is a bad thing. However, if he's just spouting tidbits from the hulk movies he is no better than the kids who think pokemon is real and must suffer.