By ICantBelieveThis - 06/03/2010 14:31 - United States

Today, I had sex with my girlfriend in her room. That means: Jonas Brothers posters on the wall, Jonas Brothers pillows, sheets, comforter and stuffed dog. After we did it, she apologized to her posters for having to see that, since they're pure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 358
You deserved it 8 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jonas bros. how old is she. You sure she is legal age??

dphilipson12 0

you ******* a 7 year old?! dump her ass man!


damn how old is she? she needs to qet laid -¿- wait i think she id hahah fake

CandeeCane 0
turtle82796 0

YDI for having sex with what acts/seems like a 12 yr old girl...

how old are you? and how old is she ??? wtf. ??

UWBeautyQueen12 0

OP... it's They're not Their....just sayin

terror_twins 0

Haha. My ex used to have to look at the Backstreet Boys posters on my wall during sex...he finally refused to have sex till I took them down cause he said he had nightmares about them hitting on him. lol

find a new woman. she is clearly insane. If she threatens to kill herself, tell her "you'd do us all a favor."