By AkaiKitsune - 12/08/2017 11:00 - Canada - Victoria

Today, while riding around the lake, a pair of kids thought it was okay to take turns yanking my horse's tail and running away so they didn't get kicked. When I told the parents not to let their kids do that, they said that I shouldn't be riding if I can't "control my beast". FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 964
You deserved it 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stealthninjaa 19

"Well, sir and or madame, perhaps it is you that shouldn't be parenting if can't quote control your beasts and quote. I say good day." *Stomps off into the sunset on horse*

Record it, and upload it to YouTube with the title "dumbass kids kicked by horse" when it happens. Then when the idiot parents try to sue, the video is available as evidence showing the dumbass's deserved it


Record it, and upload it to YouTube with the title "dumbass kids kicked by horse" when it happens. Then when the idiot parents try to sue, the video is available as evidence showing the dumbass's deserved it

Dragondreamers 13

Would this happen to be the same horse that tipped his water bucket on you and wouldn't let go of the dog toy?

Yep, same horse. It's good that it wasn't my mare because she's an ex-abuse rescue and she doesn't tolerate anyone coming up behind her regardless of reason.

“No, if you can’t control your beasts, maybe you two morons should’ve been sterilized.”

Couldn't you say the same thing to the parents in regard to them controlling their kids? Don't take them places if you can't control them.

Stealthninjaa 19

"Well, sir and or madame, perhaps it is you that shouldn't be parenting if can't quote control your beasts and quote. I say good day." *Stomps off into the sunset on horse*

ohsnapword 21

Clearly, they aren't parenting. They shouldn't be breeding.

Just start cantering straight at the kids. Obviously don't actually run into them, but just give them a good scare.

**** that, go as fast as the horse is physically capable. Bonus points for swinging a riding crop in their general direction. If the little ***** aren't in therapy for the next couple of decades, you've done it wrong.

Nah, what those "parents" spawned are beasts. I would've loved to have seen that interaction though. My sons are passionate about horses, dogs.... Well, animals period. And yes, I would've let them tell those "parents" how they're supposed to treat animals. And no, they're not disrespectful by any stretch of the imagination, nor would they ever disrespect an adult, but my oldest (15yrs) is an aspiring Veterinarian. Plus watching him speak to adults shorter than him is always humorous (he's 6'3").

Tell her she has no business being a parent if she can't keep the behavior of her brats under control.

Well, the other folks said it better than I could: If those parents can't control their children, they shouldn't be bringing them out in public.

People like that piss me off so bad. They think their kids can do no wrong and it's always the other person's fault when they act like brats. I'd let the horse kick them.