By shwasted - 22/02/2010 05:17 - United States

Today, I had one of the worst first dates of my life. After leaving the restaurant early, we went to a party to try and salvage the night. My date then got wasted, ended up puking in the back seat of my car on the way home, then lied about it. My night ended with me cleaning vomit out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 544
You deserved it 3 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI should have dumped him after the restaurant.

This sounds suspiciously like the 80's movie, "Blind Date."


Your_Dad 0

FML appears to be having an off-night.

Allie26 0

at least you got a date, you shouldve enjoyed it. she's all youre ever gonna get looser!!

haha YOU: Ew whats that smell? Ither person: Iunno but it wasnt me 2 hours later you: did you puke in the car? other person: …maybe

Note to you: Limit first dates to coffee or lunch. If it goes badly, at least you'll only have wasted under an hour instead of a whole evening.

that sucks:( but just forget about it. It happens..

thedivinecomeD 0

I loved the "lying about it" part :) "no, no, that wasn't me. maybe you did it? but you probably forgot."*passes out*

daisy1vargas 0

YTDI !!! Why wouldn't u just leave the bitch at the party!? well I hope u never talk to that drunk again and next time ditch them or look around the party for someone buzzin or sober to take with u and screw.

nonameLiz 0

Well look at the brightside...he's now your homie! O.o

SeximusPrime 0

Eww, he made a shitty first impression. Don't answer his calls and don't go out with that ass again.