By Adam - 29/07/2019 20:00

Today, I had a job interview at a Holiday Inn. I got there ten minutes early and sat until 1:00 p.m., then told the person at the front desk I was there for my interview. She called the manager, who said that no interviews were scheduled today. I'd gone to the wrong Holiday Inn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 029
You deserved it 1 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alayna Joyce Christensen 15

Holiday Inns are always looking for good workers. Hope you made it to the right one and were able to still have the interview. Always check in with the front desk when you arrive, even if you think you are early. It would have given you extra time to contact the right place and make it there.

Always double check the address and make sure you get the right one on any navigation system you use.


Always double check the address and make sure you get the right one on any navigation system you use.

Alayna Joyce Christensen 15

Holiday Inns are always looking for good workers. Hope you made it to the right one and were able to still have the interview. Always check in with the front desk when you arrive, even if you think you are early. It would have given you extra time to contact the right place and make it there.

Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn If your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend.