By :( - 02/03/2016 14:13 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I had a Chinese test. Our teacher decided to wait until yesterday to tell us about it because she "knew" we wouldn't study anyway and she didn't want to stress us out. I'm pretty sure I failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 301
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty big assumption from your teacher to say nobody would study. There are people who never study, but everyone should be given a chance to succeed and try his/her best.

Surprise test = surprise fail. Maybe that's what you should have written on your test. In Chinese.


Surprise test = surprise fail. Maybe that's what you should have written on your test. In Chinese.

It wasn't necessarily a language class. Chinese is not a language.

I think #12 meant that Chinese is also a culture, not just a language. So it could have been a class on Chinese culture. That said, usually only language classes are referred to that way- if it were a Chinese Culture or Chinese History class, it probably would have been referred to as such.

#12, the person did not specify if it was a language class or not. While I am aware that there are two types of Chinese language, Cantonese and Mandarin, the former is not generally taught in schools or universities. As a result, many schools actually do name their courses in Mandarin "Chinese" and in American culture saying "in Chinese" is a perfectly acceptable phrase to signify "in the Chinese language" which, again, usually refers to Mandarin.

12, Chinese actually *is* a language. Mandarin and Cantonese are dialects of Chinese. Most Chinese people, though, will just say they speak Chinese.

Tell her you are going to eat her dog before she does. *irrelevant comment that's racist*

Pretty big assumption from your teacher to say nobody would study. There are people who never study, but everyone should be given a chance to succeed and try his/her best.

Hellish_Emu 18

Hopefully she puts a curve on it

rissarouge 10

Maybe tell her that you would've studied if you had known about the test longer? Pull on them heart strings, and I hope you get your grade up OP!

tarlax 11

"Chinese" is what most people call Mandarin. Get over it, smarty pants.

It wasn't quite a pop quiz -- you did have a day's notice. Did you study in that time?

You can only study so much in a day, and chances are what you study will have poor retention. Especially if it was a class ongoing from Fall of 2015 and a commulative test.

Correct, you can only study so much in a day -- but if you never study until you know there's going to be a test, you won't learn or retain as much, as you just noted. My high-school Spanish teacher made clear that there would be pop quizzes, and that we were responsible for learning the material we covered in class and would need to know it for the pop quizzes. We studied. People who had her remembered their Spanish better and longer than people who had the school's other Spanish teachers.