By fml boy - 25/03/2019 02:00

Today, my 10k dirt bike stopped starting. I used it once and owned it for less than 24 hours. Later in the afternoon, I dropped my phone and it cracked. Later in the evening, I was walking in my room towards my bed in the dark and I stubbed my toe on my Pc and one of the panels fell off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 293
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With THAT kind of luck today, you'd better buy a lottery tix quick! 'Cuz it will "SURELY" win!!!

do you know enough about it to find out why its not working i bet they didn't oil the pistons causing them to cease. i always take a bike apart and do a tune up before i do my first few rides


do you know enough about it to find out why its not working i bet they didn't oil the pistons causing them to cease. i always take a bike apart and do a tune up before i do my first few rides

Burle 17

It's a dirt bike, unless it's an aprilia rxv (quite rare) it's only got one piston. He said it "stopped starting" not "it won't turn over" so I doubt it's seized. Oil the piston? That's what the oil bath in the crankcase does on a 4 stroke, and on a 2 stroke the oil mixed in the gas oils the piston. You don't sound like you know much about dirt bikes, maybe don't offer advice on them

EmDizzle2007 28

this is the right kind of comment.

James Acosta 8

I would check the gas. This ******* idiot just spent 10k on a bike he knows nothing about. He was to stupid to get a screen protector. Also doesnt know where his PC is in his room.... Simple solution for simple people.

I own an Aquila 250 (2 cylinder motorcycle) 3- rat rod bikes a offroad gas scooter a racing mower and recently sold my old Kawasaki pit bike. I ordered one engine from quebec that came oiled, the rest were Chinese and needed oil, my roommate didn't oil his and the piston seized. 2 strokes should come from the factory with a drop of oil so the piston doesn't seize.yes the oil is supplied from the mixed gas in the future, but they still need a lubricate/oil for the first time they fire. 2 strokes should have oil control rings,that aid in keeping them lubricated. So maybe don't be a condescending dick about it k?

the_one_and_only_Qeavin 3

With THAT kind of luck today, you'd better buy a lottery tix quick! 'Cuz it will "SURELY" win!!!

And this is why we can’t have nice things.

Whatever you do, don't jerk off, or you might accidentally rip your dick off.

EmDizzle2007 28

what y'all don't know is he cheated the guy on the bike, stole the phone, and used the PC to bully kids online. karma, ho.

James Acosta 8

I would check the gas. This ******* idiot just spent 10k on a bike he knows nothing about. He was to stupid to get a screen protector. Also doesnt know where his PC is in his room.... Simple solution for simple people.

bluhbluhbluh 14
marc hillyer 2

hey that's just a normal bullshit day I have those all the time