By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 879
You deserved it 78 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


People stuff a deers head is that creepy

irishlassie731 0

In my opinion, yes, but most people also don't keep deer as pets.

btw I understand loving your animals, there's nothing wrong with that. sometimes someone bestfriend is their cat or dog, but seriously. sickkkk

To #78: uh, yes. Stupid and pointless as well.

wow! who the **** stuffs a cat? what were you planning on doing with it I wonder...

Someone_somewere 7

he probly stuffed the cat because he didn't want to put it in the ground, he probly thought it would be too sad

guys, its not that weird and it doesnt only apply to animals. we had my grandma stuffed and it's better than actually having her around... alright, we didnt get my grandma stuffed. its totally weird and messed up. wtf people

I laughed at that. You just made my day, really.

irishlassie731 0

LMFAO. I got really freaked for a second before I finished reading the post. Thanks for the laugh.

YDI dude. Do you even know what taxidermists do to stuff your cat? They ******* scoop out all his insides. It's gross and wrong. I love my cat very dearly, but seriously? Too far. What the hell did you expect would happen when you put it in front of your dog? Douchebag.

Aw. I understand the whole stuffing the cat thing because as weird as it is, I would still like to have a cat around. It would be a little odd, yes, but comforting in a way. It seems better than keeping them in your memory because memories fade. If you were to have gotten the cat cremated, the container could break so I could see why you would get it stuffed, although it is weird. Sorry for your loss. I recently lost a 6 week old kitten... I buried her though.