By nokeys - 02/04/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend after driving 200 miles to see him. While arguing, I told him I never wanted to see him again and left after slamming the front door. I left my car keys in his kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 788
You deserved it 59 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fantome_fml 0

just cover your eyes and walk back in, you don't have to see him

marykateex3 0

I'm guessing that wasn't the dramatic exit you were counting on?


sweet sweet irony, if i was your boyfriend, i would have immediatly gone to the UPS store, and mailed them back to your house...

Failercoptor 0

why does she deserve that one lol! has no one here ever been so pissed off they didn't realize what they were doing. shit.

for all of u guys who said that its not possible that she could have typed this FML... just because u leave ur car keys somewhere, dsnt mean ur never gunna be infront of a computer again ;)

Think before you act Failed on the dramatic exit =P

cartering 0

16, think about what you wrote - you also know nothing about the argument. What if it is was "hey honey, I decided its best we see other people for sex benefits while your away at school. I've been hooking up with Sally for this, and its great but don't worry I only love you not her." Seems worthy of a break up argument to me

Great time to work things out. You gotta be real good girlfriend driving 200miles.

things i gleaned from your post: -from your phrasing, it sounds like you started the fight. -you make decisions at poor times. while you're angry isn't really the best time to make "permanent" decisions. besides, a 200 mile drive home to think about it? i guarantee you called him before you left the county. -either you paused outside his door to make this entry from your phone, or we already know what happened.

girls get mad at everything lol if u breathe to fast they get all pissed and yell at you, >__>